Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interior Paint = Adult Crayons

"Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon."  
 + Peter Lynch

"Give crayons.  Adults are disturbingly impoverished of
these magical dream sticks."
 + Dr. SunWolf

As children, we were fascinated with CRAYONS! 

Crayons are so BRIGHT and colorful, we could not resist coloring on
EVERYTHING (i.e. paper, SOFA, walls).

Some kids took MULTI-TASKING to another level by using crayons
 to clean their ears and supplement their diet!

Something about that 24 pack of colorful, waxy, sticks represented endless amounts of creativity and FUN!
 (or 64 pack, if you were special) 

Now as adults, people would think we were CRAZY if we played with crayons all of the time!  That's why we have INTERIOR PAINTWe can appear to be sane AND paint the inside of our home any color our heart DESIRES.   And the best part...paint can easily be fixed if we don't like it!

Take a look at Sherwin Willliams' 2011 Color Forecast Collections for their predictions of this years trendy paint colors!

JAX TIP: Paint colors (just like crayon colors) are a
matter of preference.
 i.e. Just how everyone's favorite color was not pink in kindergarten;
their favorite wall color might not Tempo Teal as an adult.  If you plan
on selling your house before re-painting...
stick to NEUTRAL colors to satisfy most
everyone's color taste!

Drum roll PLEASE......

Sherwin Williams 2011 Color Forecast Collections



Glitz, glamour, and BLING!


Restless Nomad...

sultry, EXOTIC, primal!


BOLD Invention...

experimental, ARTSY, expressive!


GENTLE Medley... 

FRESH, airy, innocent!


My FAVORITE collection...Restless NOMAD!  What's YOURS? 

Well...off to go find something to PAINT!


Bye YA'LL!
Katie Nelson

Need help picking out one of these colors for your project?  Download Sherwin Williams ColorSnap for Blackberry and Iphone!

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) via sherwin-williams.com

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